A Family Business Pivots and Finds its Future
The Jones family knows meat – they’ve been in meat cutting and butchering business for generations dating back to 1952. The best cuts of meat also produce the best bones for dog treats, and so Jones Locker Service began dabbling in treats for man’s best friend. While experimenting with their new state-of-the-art smokehouse, originally designed for hams, bacon, sausages, and jerky, the Jones family discovered it could also be used to produce high-quality, naturally baked dog chews.
The Jones Natural Chews product line was officially launched in 1991, providing high-quality natural dog chews. Initial success spurred a full pivot into the dog treat industry and the rest, as they say, has gone to the dogs.
All Natural Since the Beginning
“We’ve been all natural from the beginning, which wasn’t popular in the 80s and 90s,” said Laura Jones, president of Jones Natural Chews. “Some of our family members have allergies and really wanted natural, high quality products, and we appreciated that dogs could have allergies, too.”
Jones Natural Chews found its niche early with healthy dog treats made from animal products raised and sourced from U.S. packers and ranchers. There are no artificial ingredients, precise heat controls assure proper moisture levels and longer shelf life, and all products are 100% guaranteed for quality and workmanship.

Sticking with Tradition
Supporting local farmers and delivering a high-quality products continues to guide their growth. The company has expanded types and sizes of chews and treats for all-size dogs.
“We’re proud to be pioneers in the industry and to have maintained that tradition,” shared Jones. “The products sell themselves when you prioritize natural ingredients and quality.”
As the company grew, the family turned to WilliamsMcCarthy LLP to handle a host of legal needs. WilliamsMcCarthy’s size, its local roots, and depth of experience were important, especially as Jones Natural Chews found itself in new territory.
Jones loved WilliamsMcCarthy’s team approach, sharing that they’ve worked with the firm since 2005. The breadth and depth of attorneys available to meet a variety of needs was essential to the Jones family. Through the years, they’ve leaned on the talents and experience of John Holevas, Dan Huntley, Adam Fleming, Joel Huotari, and Troy Haggestad to manage the opportunities and challenges that go hand-in-hand with significant business growth.
“I’m not an attorney, so I need them as part of my team. I have very personal relationships and it feels like a partnership,” Jones said.
“The family is never afraid to innovate and the company is quick to understand and adopt to changing legal environments,” shared WilliamsMcCarthy Partner Dan Huntley. “It’s been wonderful to be a part of the evolution of the Jones family’s business over the years, and they are an excellent testament to how far hard work and dedication can take you. Each of them brings something special to the family business.”
With a recent facility expansion completed, there’s ample room for Jones Natural Chews’ future growth. With enhanced relationships with pet product distributors that sell to independent pet stores, e-commerce options to sell directly to consumers, and expansion into grocery stores, the company is positioned to capitalize on consumer demand. While the entire industry is competing against lower-price, lower-quality imported items, Jones feels on the right side of consumer preferences.
“Made in the U.S.A. and natural are big trends that continue to be top-of-mind for consumers,” explained Jones. “Pet owners see their dogs as part of the family and want what’s best for them.”